Friday, October 09, 2009

W Completes 30/30 Hikes

W completed the final hike of his 30/30 hike quest, doing a hike in all 30 of the St Louis County parks. Fort Belle Fontaine, Faust, and West Tyson were the favorite hikes.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Nichole Breaks 4 mile record by 8 minutes


N ran the recent (10/2/09) Ivory Crockett Webster Groves 4 mile race in a personal best 40:05, beating her previous best by over 8 minutes. She celebrated by giving Fredbird a high five as she crossed the finish line.
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Saturday, October 03, 2009

Bingo gets in fight with Chunk


Bingo and Chunk got into their first real fight over a rawhide bone that was sitting on the deck. Bingo received an injury underneath his right eye that required staples and anesthesia. Bingo also got to wear a megaphone-like cone over his head for nearly two weeks, which greatly amplified his already sonorous bark, impressing other dogs and postmen over a large radius.
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Renny Powers to New PR

Renny pushed to a new personal best of 18:55 in the recent Fox Invitational cross country meet, where he also ran his first varsity race, demolishing many competitors with his powerful finishing kick.
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