Friday, September 30, 2005

Saab clutch woes

WNMR were nearly stranded in Alton Illinois as the Saab began to have trouble shifting. Somewhat miraculously, the clutch lasted until W pulled into the driveway at home and then completely failed. W rolled the car back out the driveway and parked it. The Webster Groves police, having nothing better to do, efficiently gave W a parking ticket during the night for parking the wrong way on the road. W had to take the car to the mechanic three times to get the clutch fixed. The first time, W started the car and held the clutch in while talking to N. After about a minute, the clutch failed. The second time, W started the car and the clutch immediately failed. W fetched the mechanic, who started the car and showed W that the clutch worked perfectly. W in a state of confusion, couldn't make the clutch fail anymore so he drove home as the clutch continued to randomly not work. So W took it back one more time. This time the mechanic found the problem, and offered to drop the car personally off at W's house. W arrived at home from work to see his newly repaired Saab sitting in the driveway. Rushing to get ready for a boy scout meeting, he asked Marcel to check in the car to see if the keys were there. M checked, then came in the house to report to W that the car had rolled down the driveway and across the street over the curb. The mechanic had apparently not engaged the emergency brake very well. The clutch however, worked perfectly.

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